
Posts for September 2017

Early Childhood Educator Day

Thursday, September 07, 2017 12:44pm

ECE tree.jpg ECE rainbow.jpg

Wednesday 6th September 2017 was Early Childhood Educator Day. Our centres celebrated by having a morning tea and lunch for our Educators and giving each one a Certificate of Appreciation. 

As a fun activity on the day each of our rooms were assigned a colour and the Educators and children invited to wear their colour to create a rainbow throughout the centre. 

We also created a "thank you" tree in the foyer which, as you can see in our photo, the children enjoyed decorating with their leaves and flowers of thanks.

We hope that all the Early Childhood Educators enjoyed their day of recognition - you are appreciated! 

~"It takes a big heart, to shape little minds"~

"We acknowledge that we are gathered here today on the land of the Kaurna People. We would like to pay our respects to the elders who hold such a deep connection to this land, it's waterways and creatures, it's history and it's future."